E3 Training – 2nd Quarter!

Eagle Soaring Academy, a division of Eagle Soaring Managment, Inc. was selected to host all E3 Business Group, Inc training beginning in 2018. E3, through this collaboration, is now offering its ENTIRE slate of training in 2019!

So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur – Tuesdays beginning June 11, 2019
Afternoon session 1:30pm – 3:30pm and Evening session 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm – The flagship course of the E3 So You Want To Be An Entrepreneur Professional Development series this course runs for 4 Tuesdays. It has been hosted nationally at chambers of commerce, city career fairs, and the U.S. Small Business Administration. Geared towards aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners in operation 0 – 5 years who are seeking clarity in their direction and growth. SYWTBE approaches entrepreneurship with a focus on understanding E3 concepts around pricing, vision, business development, deal making, work/life balance and techniques for growing a business’ reach and client base. Registration (All Courses: $150 –  E3/CoE; $175 – Community Partners; $195 – Open Rate) Scroll Down to register

Business Plan Bootcamp – Mondays, beginning June 10, 2019
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm – JSEB Recognized – This course is designed to assist entrepreneurs, organization leaders or independent business owners with the development or reworking of their business/strategic plan. Over 4 Mondays attendees will work on a different aspect of their plan and write it in real time. Get access to insight and tips on making your plan more marketable and relevant. The objective is to end with a functional plan (including a foundation for your financials) E3 works with local banking partners to bring in a professional who will provide direct review and feedback on the last day of training!

The ART of Teambuilding – Fridays, beginning June 7, 2019
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm – JSEB Recognized – Over 4 Fridays attendees will have their understanding of teams and keys to developing one which makes your organization stronger and your load lighter as an entrepreneur or community leader. Designed specifically for business owners, corporate managers, and not for profit leaders who are directly responsible for developing or strengthening a sales, project, product or other teams. Topics include the ART approach to Assessing talent, Recognizing potentials and Training for profit and success developed by E3 Founder A. M. Butler, Sr.

Evolving Your Brand to A Movement – Saturdays, beginning June 8, 2019
10:30 am – 12:30 am – JSEB Recognized – One of the most timely courses in the SYWTBE series, this is an opportunity for you to maximize your branding and develop techniques and real-world methods for making your business stand out in your industry and your community. The focus is on aligning marketing to vision, leveraging relationships, public relations on a budget and how to separate your personal and business brand for wider coverage and better market penetration.

Are you active in E3 or the Call of Eagles? Don’t register here! Send a request for your preferred registration to sales@eaglesoaringmgmt.com and a customized invoice will be forwarded to your email on record. #EngagementMatters

1st & 2nd Quarter
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